Customer Appreciation Ideas for Your Business | The Journey

welcome to the journey today we'll be talking about customer appreciation ideas for your business [Music] so customer retention is the foundation for your business you want them to keep coming back and possibly even telling others about your business make sure to have that occur tell them thank you or have a highlight of them in an article featuring a customer showing them appreciation so today nellie and i are going to tell you five ways that you can show them that appreciation yeah and that first way is just a simple thank you like your appreciation to them does it not have to be something super elaborate over the top sometimes that thank you can go a long way so yeah just like nilly said it doesn't have to be over the top spending loads of money on people sometimes they just like to hear the words coming out of your mouth that you appreciate them being your loyal supporter and that also encourages them to be loyal to your brand yeah like when you see them coming if you have a store if they're coming to the storage tell them thank you for your business or on social media it makes it so easy to interact with your audience with a couple clicks a button it could be a comment on their post saying hey thanks for the follow or i've even seen some brands go as far as creating a video message saying hey so and so thank you so much for giving me a follow i see you do pottery like how's that been going actually extend the conversation out beyond just the thank you and it goes a tremendously long way like think about if a celebrity or a big brand actually did that for you you would you would freak out right like you tell all your friends like yo go daddy just gave me a shout out and said thank you like what is this that's crazy and you could absolutely do that with your brand so the second way that you can show your customers appreciation just you know ask them how they feel about your business your service let them know that their opinions matter yeah now during the rest of the day maybe you're in retail you may not have a lot of time to actually take in what they say you can actually send them a survey let them know that a survey will be coming to increase the likelihood that they will actually take it yeah feedback is a gift but you need to make sure you act on that feedback and show your customers that you're acting on that feedback because the last thing you want to do is like cool thanks for all this advice and then just ignore them because chances are they're never going to give you feedback again but now if they say hey i wish you were open later on these days especially around the holidays that'd be awesome you take that into consideration and actually adjust your hours to help them out you've heard their feedback you've implemented on it and it goes a tremendously long way it's definitely a win-win and your customers are happy you're happy because your customers are still coming to you it's a no-brainer so for the third one nearly did talk about this a little bit earlier but you can also highlight certain customers say you do business to business you can have a blog and you talk about certain businesses that you really appreciate you know connecting with or if you're a b2c type business you can highlight certain customers and i like this you can actually take a nice photo of them with their permission and just ask them for a little blurb or what they enjoy coming to your business share that on social media tag them in the post you'll be curious or interesting to see how they react when you actually share that yeah you can also seek out user generated content so say like you're a fashion brand or you have food you do whatever you do and your followers and your customers post about your content just because they want to use that content on your own posts on your own feeds and give them shout outs because essentially they're doing the work for you they're marketing for you tell them thank you like recognize what they're doing and give them that shout out exactly and also just remind them hey tag us in your post so we can give you the love right back to you that way you know you'll be notified when they tag you and talk about all the beautiful things that you haven't offered the next way that you can show your customers your appreciation give them a little personalized gift now i know we did talk about not necessarily going over the board overboard and spending a lot of money so if you do want to spend a little money a way to go is to give them something that will show that you put some thought into it now if you give everyone a paperweight or chocolates that's nice but it's just not as personal if you have something specific that you know a customer enjoys maybe something related to where they're from or what they enjoy doing that goes a whole lot longer or further than actually just giving something that everyone else is going to have yeah you're exactly right i know when i was looking for a new car i went to a bunch of different dealerships i ended up buying on the spot i wanted to take some time for myself to really think it over but about a week or two later i actually got a gift basket and a personalized thank you card from one of the salesmen on the floor we talked about this chocolate that i liked and he actually sent a gift basket with that chocolate and a handwritten note and it went above me on with a simple thank you the gift basket wasn't a ton of money uh but it made an impact on me and i ended up buying a car through him because he did that so those little extra extra things you can do that are very thoughtful especially if they're personalized based on the conversation you've had with your customers it goes a heck of a long way and at the end of the day people like to know that they've been heard and you've paid attention so putting all that personalization into that gift you're definitely going to get a loyal brand ambassador yeah and something to note with that especially that gift is it wasn't overly promotional it was just a gift from one human to another so when you're creating these personalized gifts don't make it just promotional material about your business make it about that interaction that you've had with that person because that's going to set you apart if it's just swag that you have from your company it's just going to look like everything else and it's not going to impact that customer and it wouldn't be genuine it would be just another tactic for someone else your customer to put your business advertise you want to make it personable and also not promotional at all yeah all right and for our last tip you can host a customer appreciation event oftentimes say if you're in a retail industry during the course of your regular day you may not have a lot of time to interact with your customers on a personal level so having this event takes you away from behind the counter and puts you front stage where not only can you interact more with your customers to learn more about them but they can also get to learn more about you and reinforce the reason why they like know and trust you because we've heard in the past people love doing business with those they like know and trust absolutely and then those people will probably take people with them to introduce your business i know there's a business in arizona it's back fifth health and spine they're a chiropractor they put together an event every fall where they have some boost from local businesses and they give out free back massages and they have a couple other really cool things uh so it's really cool to go and i end up bringing people with me because like oh yeah free massages and then get introduced to the business because i'm such a loyal fan and they just give back to the community it's such a great way to just connect and have those conversations and it's not about trying to sign up new people it's just about cool let's give back and then happen to have their business there they show how awesome then those people that bring me with end up becoming their customer just because they see that personal interaction well nearly you know i love this quote i may have said it before zig ziglar once said you can have everything in life you want if you'll just help enough other people get what they want so like nearly said if you do more for others at the end of the day you'll end up getting more for yourself as well now if you follow these tips your customer appreciation game will be on point make sure you like this video if you've got some value out of it comment below your favorite customer appreciation event or something you've done to appreciate your customers make sure that you subscribe to our channel and ring the bell so you're notified when we have fresh content coming out this is the journey thanks for watching see you next time

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