How to study for LONG HOURS without getting bored (how to stay productive)

Have you ever sat at your desk with the intention of studying for a few hours and after 10 minutes you feel like you still don't want to start? All the process seems tedious, and you can't seem to keep your focus!!! We've all been through this before, but there are different ways and tricks you can use to help you keep studying for hours without getting bored… Staying engaged while studying and not getting bored is crucial to long-term success. Especially at the exam stage, you need to study more than usual, and do it constantly. And not getting bored, is the key……. Throughout my time at university, I spent countless hours studying and rarely found myself getting bored –and that's great because of these 5 tips, which I'm going to share with you in this video: (1) [Change in Topics and Methods While Working and Studying] ** The first thing you need is to change your work topic… don't spend all day on the same topic you want to make sure that you diversify a bit with topics during the day, it's normal to get bored if you spend hours and hours and hours studying exactly the same thing.

The goal is to stay motivated for as long as possible.. You can't get ahead if you're looking at (upper limb anatomy) all day long… There's also a higher chance that if you're studying the exact same subject you'll run into multiple hurdles that you want to overcome. What I mean by this is that for example, you might work all day in "anatomy," and anatomy has its challenges.

A lot of it comes from the fact that there are weird naming systems and simply because there is so much to remember and to learn, and on top of that you have to know every nerve in any part of the body and muscle, associated with origin and insertion and how all those muscles work to stimulate movement which is hard to do. No doubt about it and spending the whole day in sort of an uphill battle with no response, to the amount of anatomy and its challenges, won't get you ahead…

But studying it in installments into bite-sized pieces, over the course of a few weeks, rather than just cramming them into a day makes it MUCH EASIER – Other ways you can study is by not spending the whole day using the same method of studying instead of just going through lecture slides all day try to explain these concepts to your family, friends or fellow students you can review exam questions and test yourself using anki cards or A video sketch or a YouTube video about things you don't quite understand the way you teach and receive information this way, I think it's very motivating and helps memorize new things when it's a long study session. – – Now the best part about keeping your study varied is that it helps you retain the information you are studying. Numerous studies have shown that spaced repetition is good but so does changing the topic, the unit, and scheduling what you're studying, helps. (2) [Turn it into a Game/Challenge Yourself] ** To stay engaged and not easily distracted!!! We tend to learn better with games, because they are fun, so it's best to try to use resources that help turn your work into a kind of game.

These could be puzzles, quizzes, flashcards, whatever. It's also possible for you to write a sheet of tasks, looking to cross off a task after completing some kind of game completion. – It can seem like a bit of a strange concept, but there are a lot of secondary benefits, to turning your study into a game… It's important to look forward to studying, and games like making flashcards or doing paper past questions can be kind of fun, compared to reviewing slides The end lecture and the next note taking… Starting studying this way can encourage you to work and keep your interest and not get bored in the long run. – You can stimulate study by actually learning the content by playing.. And you can also create your own version (of the game) by challenging yourself with your study habits.. For example, – The thing I do a lot, is I challenge myself to study for the next hour or two for Getting rewarded, like having a snack , going out for coffee , some time on my phone , whatever I do.

I do these things all the time…. try to find small ways like this, to help push you toward your goals and keep them going and keep going with your work.. it can be really helpful.. because it's kind of a game, and the whole studying experience becomes something that gives you something to look forward to.. … (3) [Listening to music] ** I talked extensively in another video clip What is the best music to listen to when you study? You can check it out somewhere here and no matter what music you choose. Music can be a really good tool to keep me from getting distracted and bored. If you really need to work and feel bored or unmotivated, it's probably best to just listen to some music in the background. Even if it's a little distracting from not studying at all … –doing something, is always better than doing nothing…and once you get into the rhythm of studying with your music, it becomes something you know will help you get in the zone. You can add music as part of your study routine and it may be something that helps you associate studying with something you look forward to.

After all tasks that might be inherently boring for you can be made more fun with music… For me personally, when I'm low on motivation and I know I need to keep going I put some Lo Fi hip hop tunes in the background, it solves that problem 90% of the time … yeah, I'm not as focused as I would be without the music but at least it keeps me going, and actually makes studying something more fun…

I think: if I can listen to the music without the lyrics maybe even better… because that's so distracting, Listening to the words and reading the words at the same time (but hey, some people don't have a problem with that) So do whatever you like… – Find something stimulating but not too distracting. And that's the trick… (4) [Change your location] ** Sitting at the same desk and looking at the same wall every day for six weeks before an exam looks terrible … You'll probably get bored just by repeating the same routine. Changing where you study can be a great way to shake things up a little.

Try studying outside, especially on a beautiful day like this, it can be very motivating because it's so different from what you're used to, and it can really give you a push to keep going… This could be in a park, Or the library, or even an outdoor space like a coffee shop. But if that's not an option because you live in London and parks aren't usually a sunny thing, or if you live in the UK and the weather isn't usually very good, you could try going to the library, a friend's house, a coffee shop, any place to change up your environment a bit.

Even if you try to work in a different room of your house or in a common area of ​​the hallways, you'd be surprised. – I remember in my first degree at the University of Toronto, when we got bored of studying in our rooms, we would just move into the hallways and we would all sit in the lobby with the computers, with our notes, and just study there. You can also try empty lecture halls or just random rooms that you find throughout buildings, common seating areas, lounges, things like that that can really help make a difference in your routine.

It helps not get bored, because you're exposing yourself to something new, you wouldn't call it "quitting" when it came to studying after a short while. – – Just a change of location, it can also be a motivator, because actually getting up.. getting dressed.. organizing your bag.. and then leaving the house and going to the library for example, means that you want to make the most of your day and your trip. We also cannot forget the impact of being surrounded by other people who are studying like you, and going through the same thing as you, it can be really motivating in itself.

Seeing other people around you working helps put your mind in the right place and makes you want to do more. And that brings me to my next point very well. (5) [Studying with others] I have said this many times before and I will continue to preach that this is a very useful thing –studying with others is very motivating in itself because you not only have to engage in the work but also involve others and share yours.. It will enable you to study for a longer period. It also holds you accountable for the actual work because your friends are going to want to work and you're going to take advantage of your time together and you're going to see them work and they're going to see you working, so it's just a nice circle. You can also learn a lot from other people in your course, this type of group study really boosts your productivity and can prevent you from getting bored over long periods of time.

If you see that everyone around you is studying really hard or taking a break, you know that you should probably do the same as them. Thus, doing everything together as a community is a really good value when you study with your friends, you will find yourself taking on very healthy habits as well. I would advise you to be careful because you might take on unhealthy habits or bad traits to study, or things like that…

Just watch Lay down and do what works for you, or what you think you'll gain from it. The feeling that we're all in this kind of study with exams around the corner, is irreplaceable, a nerve relaxer. And I think it can keep you grounded for longer and more motivated than other technologies, and I have a video..and I have a Patreon that gives you access to Discord where people study in these community-based groups every day and all the time.

And of course there are plenty of other things you can do on a subscription service out there. If you're interested in joining a group of like-minded people, I 'll leave a link to Patreon in the description below. Thank you very much for watching this video. If you find anything useful, you can incorporate one or two of these helpful methods for your studies into your life, and then we can use them together. I found all of these really helpful as I tried not to get bored while studying for the nine years of higher education in my life or so. If you find something that works for you and you'd be happy to share it with us, please do so in the comments below. I will probably study for the rest of my life and not stop as a doctor!!! That's why I would like to know what else works for you? That's it for me guys. I will catch you next time. … salaam … helps a lot with boredom because you're exposing yourself to something new and so you're helped blah blah blah

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