How To Actually Learn Anything Faster Using The Feynman Technique

The Feynman Technique, named after the Nobel
Prize-winning physicist Richard Feynman, is one of the most effective ways of learning
faster and in this video we look at the steps on how to learn faster using this technique… 1. Write Down What You Want to Learn
– The first step is to identify and write down what you want to learn using the Feynman
Technique – It can be anything you want, but give it
a clear and easy to understand name, as you would when writing a heading for a report
– This will help you organise and clarify the concept you intend to learn and prepare
you to learn it – as you get yourself in a state prepared
to learn it 2. Explain Your Concept
– Explain the concept, as best you can, in your own words as if you were working to teach
it to someone else – Try to use easy to understand, or simple,
language, because doing so will help make it easier for you to make sense of
– However, this does not mean to make the explanation itself simple or high level, instead
going into detail so that if necessary…

– …you would be able to put into action
and apply what it is you've learned 3. Review the Explanation
– Once you have written your explanation, spend time reviewing it to find areas where
you learnt something new or found the explanation difficult to follow
– List these out so that you have clarity on which areas you need to focus and work
on to improve your knowledge and understanding of the material
– When you have your list, go back to all of your sources of information and find more
to try and develop your understanding of these areas
– This will ensure you better appreciate the material, but also help you feel more confident
about it too 4.

Challenge Your Explanation
– When you have consolidated your understanding of the more obtuse and complex areas of what
it is you are trying to learn, again review your explanation
– As you review your explanation, try to further simplify parts of it where you may have used
complex language or terminology – The aim is to try and re-write these sections
so that they can be understood by someone who hasn't got prior knowledge on the subject
– As doing so not only further consolidates your understanding of the material, but transforms
it to be more easily understood 5.

Rinse and Repeat
– Not a formal step in the Feynman Technique for learning, but in many ways one of the
most critical, as learning in life never ends – Once you learn a new topic or subject, go
back and start again, either learning something new, or further developing your knowledge
in the field you have learnt about – By repeating the process, you will continue
learn new and varied subjects – Allowing you to uncover just some of your
endless potential Thanks for watching, please Like, Share and
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