😱Creative people not needed (The biggest lie in copywriting)

creative people not needed the biggest lie 
in copywriting you know it's funny guys um   everybody thinks to be a copywriter you've got 
to be creative you've got to be an artist of   some sort and it's funny when i tell people 
what i do for a living that i make money   online they're like oh wow you must be a really 
creative person in this video i'm going to prove   to you you don't need to be a creative person and 
yet you could be super successful in writing copy   online hey thanks so much for watching this 
video too and don't forget to subscribe hit that   subscribe button down there turn it from red to 
gray don't forget to ring the bell turn all bell   notifications so you're notified each and every 
single time i go live now here's the cool thing   you don't need to be creative it's not necessary 
it's just that people think you're creative   there are ways of doing stuff very creative 
even if you're not that creative of a person   okay so i'll admit it i can write copy okay and i 
can write stuff that converts but it's not because   i'm creative and it kind of upsets me that people 
think well you just sit around until you get   some inspiration that you know is gonna work and 
then you put it on your website or you put it in   a video and that's just not true the truth is we 
are more like scientists now sure there's probably   a very small portion of copywriters out there 
that just have these great ideas come to them   i'm not one of them and i don't think the majority 
of copywriters are a really good copywriter is   like more like a scientist yeah because what 
they do is they actually figure stuff out   based on tons of research tons of time and a lot 
of interactive testing in this video i'm going to   walk you through how we can do all of that stuff 
how you can do all of this stuff and get really   great results and you can be a great copywriter 
without being a super creative person you see a   real aim of a copywriter is to elicit some type 
of emotion if you can elicit that emotion if you   understand your audience and you understand the 
pain points of your audience you can elicit that   emotion and that's going to trigger them to look 
at your copy to read your copy to convert more   a lot of brands do that if you think about nike 
nike kind of boiled it down to just do it but   there was more to it than that the the nike type 
person was a go-getter the nike type person really   made things happen the nike type person didn't 
make any excuses whatsoever they just went out   there and they just did it okay so that's the type 
of emotion that nike has now and they've done very   well with this everybody associates nike with just 
do it okay quit making excuses just get stuff done   that's what you want to do with your ad copy 
and it doesn't have to be long think of that   that slogan right there just do it that's a 
very short ad copy but it says a whole lot   now writing good copy i would have to say for most 
good copywriters is a template and that's boring   right i know it's boring but it's very true it's 
a template of what has worked in the past now if   you don't have experience with what works in the 
past well you do actually you have all the other   brands out there that are doing particular things 
look at your competitors that are successful   what are they saying what are they doing what 
are the words they're using on their website   you can use the same words you don't have to 
copy them word for word but you can get an idea   of what works and as a scientist which i think 
i'm more of a scientist than i am a copywriter   i know what has worked in the past i know certain 
buzz words that work there are certain books out   there and i'll put some links below but like words 
that sell that's a great book words that sell will   teach you how to use particular words and it's 
a formula to get good copywriting to convert   i think my form of copywriting is more of a 
scientific copywriting i do a lot of research   i look at a lot of competitors i start comparing 
these things and as you do more and more research   you're going to learn about your niche you can't 
just sit down and be creative because somebody who   is super creative could come into my niche if they 
know nothing about it and they're not going to be   able to write anything that works because they 
don't know my audience they don't know the pain   points they don't know the problems to solve that 
comes with research and if you do your research   you're going to get good results now the first 
thing i want to tell you is nobody cares what   you think that's right nobody cares what you think 
if you say well hey i've got this product and i've   got this way of selling it and i think it would 
do really well nobody cares about that what they   care about is what they think so you don't need 
to worry about what you think you would what you   think can oftentimes be wrong a lot of my opinions 
do not go along with the average male that looks   like me my opinions are very different than 
those people so it doesn't matter what i think   if i'm trying to sell to an audience a particular 
audience a particular avatar that you've selected   then i need to figure out what they think and 
what they want so before you write any copy any   copy whatsoever i want you to go through these 
three rules number one rule is know what their   pain points are and know what their problems are 
if you know those two things that's going to be   super super helpful the next thing you need to 
know is what are the available solutions to the   problem i.e who is the competition for the product 
that you're selling or service that you're selling   so you want to know their problems and their 
issues and all their pain points and you got to   know their competition those things are crucially 
important and the next thing you want to do is   know how you're different how are you 
different from everything else that's out there   if you aren't different if you aren't specialized 
if you can't articulate how you're better than the   competition and how you can solve the problems 
that weren't solved in the past then you're not   going to have good copy that's why you have to 
sit down and think about that you could sit in   a room and start coming up with ideas but if you 
don't go through these steps right here you're   not being creative you're just you're winging it 
okay we don't want to wing it we want to do it   in a simple process now i want to give you some 
good copy i want to give you some good copy that   you can use right now and i'm going to put it up 
on the screen and you can read it and then you can   just fill in the blanks okay the first one is how 
to and then you're gonna put accomplish something   so that could be how to lose weight that could 
be how to read faster that could be how to catch   bigger fish whatever and then put in and then put 
a short amount of time this is really simple so   you could say something along the lines of how to 
lose 10 pounds in only five days okay so that's   something really simple next one is how to receive 
benefit without undesired expenditure okay so   how to learn to speak spanish without 
spending hours a day i had to lose 30 pounds   without exercise how to lose 30 pounds and still 
eat the food you want so that's another great one   number three combine number one and two okay 
this is simple copywriting 101 this is easy   how to accomplish or benefit in a short period 
of time without expenditure so i could say how to   lose 30 pounds in less than five days and still 
eat the food you want and not have to exercise   do you see what i'm doing here all i'm doing is 
answering those uh pain points those problems that   people have and the reason they haven't been able 
to fix these pain points or achieve these goals is   because they foresee more pain than what they 
have with whatever the pain point is in other   words i'm way overweight right and i want to lose 
weight but not as much as i don't want to exercise   so if i combine that or not as much as i still 
want to eat the food i want to eat if you combine   these two you're going to have a great headline 
look these methods have been used for years   in magazine ads and newspapers on television radio 
you name it don't be a fool and try to reinvent   the wheel it's already out there there's already 
things that are proven to work in advertising   there's already things that are proven to work 
online offline written videos whatever they're all   proven to work the beginning of this video i 
said you don't need to be creative to be a great   copywriter now that's what a lot of you thought 
you thought well i've got to be super creative and   that's why i can't write good copy and i dispel 
that myth i said no you don't it's not necessary   and you don't you just use the templates of 
things that are true and tested that somebody else   already got results from now with all that being 
said all the template stuff and things that work   advertising and copyrighting is not a set it and 
forget it type thing there's never been an ad that   ran for 50 years okay there's never been an ad 
like that and the reason is because things change   time changes people's wants and desires changes 
people's needs changes a keyboard for a computer   in uh let's say 2005 is a lot different than a 
keyboard on a computer right now sometimes we   don't have keyboards i know a lot of times i use 
talk to text and i use this thing called dragon   naturally speaking in gosh i want to go back 
to 2001 or two and it was horrible it didn't   work well so i quit using it now i have it built 
into my computer it comes with an apple computer   i can hit the fn button twice and i can dictate 
pretty much anything i want so i don't even use   the keyboard that much that's how much things have 
changed so you've got to understand that once you   get something that works 100 it's the best thing 
in the world it's going to change times change   the next thing i'll tell you is that you've got 
to constantly test if you're sending out emails   you want to test different headlines or subject 
lines for the emails on your website you want   to use a heat map see what people are doing on 
that heat map also maybe surveys you could send   out surveys to people now i'm not good at surveys 
because i don't like to fill them out i always say   to myself well if i'm filling out this survey i'm 
wasting time when i could be doing something else   for my company but not everybody thinks that 
way a lot of people love to fill out surveys   don't do something that is based on what you think 
do something based on what the whole uh area of   your niche is thinking okay do what they want 
you to do it doesn't matter what you think what   you think doesn't matter what matters is what your 
niece thinks so that's something that you've got   to buy into but you've also got to learn what do 
they think and these are the best ways to do that   okay let's check out an ad that guinness did i 
think this is pretty amazing i'm going to put   it on the screen and it is the guinness guide 
to oysters and then you see a beer down there   and i think it's kind of interesting because they 
combined people who eat oysters with guinness   beer now why is it good well it's targeted the 
advertisement would likely appear in maybe food   magazine so it would appeal to the interest 
of the readers there's that audience research   coming into play again okay they know that they 
read these food magazines it might have a smaller   circulation than a tv ad but it would appeal more 
directly to the sensibilities of those who read it   it also it has a specific actionable call to 
action if you're eating oysters drink guinness   because it makes them taste better simple okay 
it's getting people to purchase the product   instead of getting them to talk about it like the 
non-specific tv spots that you see all the time   never take your eye off the ball okay so even if 
your advertising is wildly popular is it getting   the results you want do you make more money there 
was an ad many many years ago i think i was a kid   at the time and it was called plop plop fizz 
fizz oh what a relief it is and it was an ad   for alka-seltzer you worked too hard you 
ate too much the cheesecake made you greedy   let your aching head and stomach hear this 
messy trouble speedy alka seltzer plop flop   that ad was very popular everybody was saying 
it everybody was singing the jingle but you   know what during that period it was said 
and i don't have the research on it but i've   heard it enough times to believe it their 
sales actually went down it didn't get   across the point that that medication if you 
want to call it that would ease your stomach   it just didn't work but it was wildly popular 
so make sure when you look at your advertising   make sure when you're let's say your 
conversion rates when people are   converting and they're opting into 
your list do they stay on your list   what is the long term value do they buy anything 
from you because if you write some copy and a lot   of people opt in but nobody buys and nobody stays 
then it was not successful so your follow-up has   to be very strong on this stuff too if you're 
opting in what's your goal okay your goal to get   them to buy right now is your goal to get them 
on your list so you can market to them later   if it gets them on the list but you don't market 
properly then you've wasted your time so make   sure that you're getting the goal that you want 
decided upon up front and make sure you measure   it later on i hope this helped you out i hope some 
of these examples helped you out you don't need to   be creative you just need to use a template and 
you need to go about it in the right manner thank   you so much for watching this video don't forget 
to subscribe i also have a course down below it's   a 97 course you get it absolutely free just click 
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